Monday, October 26, 2009

FOSH day two ------> I did not mess up

Yup Yups today's the second day of FOSH!!! So, starting the day, went to the street soccer court. My consortium has one match today and even if we win... well we would still lose in the number of points because of yesterday's two horribly outrageously disastrous matches. But that does NOT mean that we have a reason to slack in the match. We will own our opponents!

Well, my team mates and I reached the soccer court and guess what? Our captain was not in sight. Helpful. Wonder why... Probably demoralized after yesterday's matches? Well, anyway, we have no choice but to go without our captain and well, got our co-captain instead. So, we have a tactic: Defend and strike back. Basically, we put up a extreme pro defense and try to tire the opposing team out. Then, we would counter attack with a stronger attack force by substituting all other players into a stronger attacking team. So, we changed from a team with two pro defenders and two strikers into one average defender and 3 super aggressive attackers. With that, we were able to score the goal at around the 7th or 8th minute of the 10 minute game.

Besides that, I did NOT mess up this time. I managed to save every ball rammed at me (WOO HOO!). I can even remember one rather cool save. The striker from the opposing team was closing in. He was just right outside the red area of the court. At his position, he is able to score from any direction, which meant that he could get pass me easily. I don't know what came over me, but I jumped and slide-tackled the ball from his legs. From inside the red area! LOLS.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

FOSH -----> I messed it up

Today's the first day of FOSH (festival of sports and health), and basically, it is a day where there are inter-consortium games and sports like soccer for instance. Well, why am I talking about such a thing? It is because I messed it up big time.

I am in the street soccer team, goalkeeper and I messed up. I caused the team to lose the entire match. 2-1. Epic fail. And who let in the two goals? Well who do you think? Me.

I could see the striker of the opposing team dribble the ball past my team mates and he was getting closer. Before he tried to score, I misjudged the direction in which he was going to score and well... jumped in the wrong direction. So basically I screwed that up.

Another instance where I screwed up. The ball was rammed straight at my face. The striker was so close and the shot was so powerful that I was...afraid of the ball. Kinda scary to have a ball rammed straight at you. I tried to block it but it simply hit my hand and went OVER it... man...

I can't believe I totally messed up. It is not that I did not save any goals but I was not on form today. ARRGGHHHH!!!! I doubt I would be playing in tomorrow's match due to my immense-screwing-up-so-badly-it-was-so-immense-I-could-not-believe-it goalkeeping today. If we do not win tomorrow's 2 matches, then my consortium would probably end up waaaay at the bottom of the list. WE CANNOT LOSE!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Giving out flyers informing residents of a recycling drive... wonderful way to spend a nice boring Saturday don't you think? Well, I wouldn't think say that it was TOTALLY boring but I couldn't say it was too interesting either.

Well, one thing about the flats in Lavender, they were OLD. And I mean very old. I would launch into a full page of nonsensical describing crap but I bet none of you would want that would you?

Also, a lot of the units were confiscated units. No joke, they all had letters from the HDB pasted on them. The entire flat was very old and... I would say eerie. MAN, some of the units had RED paint splattered over their doors and for some reason, one unit had GREEN paint. Wonder why.

And I wouldn't say that the residents there were friendly. Most opened the door, saw us in our uniform and "WHAM" goes the door as it slammed in our face. Oh, it was so nice to meet the oh-so-friendly residents in Lavender.

Dogs. Another irritating animal to encounter when you try to go door-to-door and try to introduce yourself and talk about a flyer. Usually, you knock the door, and a dog comes barking like it was...well..barking mad. Soon all of the neighbours on the level would look at you like you were trying to break into the house. Kinda embarrassing actually when they look at you so awkwardly. What I really dislike are the units with open doors and a dog. Had a dog bark into your ear before? Well, I have and that was when I really realised how loud they can be...

Well, I thought my experiences were bad. I encountered dogs and the like. My other friends encountered nutters.

I thought a simple way to shut out people like us (the so-called flyer-givers) would be to slam the door in their face. Apparently, they met a guy who tried talking to the wall to chase them away. Wow, not bad really. He just kept talking and ranting AND screaming at the wall as if he was angry at someone who was well, the colour of the background. Really, was that necessary just to chase someone away?

Bored in and out, nothing else I can say

Well, usual day, nothing much happening, apologies for the not-posting-anything-useful-but-actually-nothing-at-all posts. Seriously, the exams are over, the hols are not here, and this is, in my opinion, the most boring period of the year. Just lagging and slacking around at home, is that all one can do? Its when all of your teachers start trying to get you occupied with random stuff to keep you occupied (honestly speaking, it doesn't).

I'm quite sure NO ONE would want to know my cliche life, I mean, how interesting can "I woke up at 6am and slept at 11pm" be? All I know is that if I can't find something to keep me occupied, else, well, dunno what I would do. so this is the end of my cliche post...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Bored.. and out...

Er... Well, I would really appreciate it if SOMEone could help me think of an idea for a post cos' honestly, I am drained of ideas. Not even a single idea of what to write next. Suggestions?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hi all,
Well recently, 3 days ago in fact, the CMCs of every class has to go for this CIP. It is to give out flyers to the residents living around Taman Jurong. Well, basically it is to inform them about an upcoming newspaper collection which is on this coming Friday. This newspaper collection is basically supposed to be our "National Day Celebration", not that it is much. All the proceeds for this collection is supposed to go to the Taman Jurong CC.

Well at first, my father could not really find the CC. I mean, it is not as if there was a big sign saying " I am the Taman Jurong CC" or something like that. So after half an hour of circling round practically the entire of Taman Jurong, we finally found the place. Many of my school mates were already there. So after a long wait (not sure why it took so long as I was playing my PSP) it was time to give out flyers to the residents living around there. Since the next class, 1P2, was quarantined, we had to take over their role and instead of a total of 6 blocks, we had to take on a total of 12 (NOT FAIR!) blocks. Since there were six CMC members in our group, we split the job into three groups, two people for 4 blocks. I was paired up with the welfare secretary Nicholas Hong ( and MAN! There was a lot of work to be done.

I can't really remember what blocks we went to, all I remember about the blocks, were that they were H-U-G-E. So many units, so little time (3hrs). So, we went to every door and knocked twice (Good morning sir/madam, here is a flyer to inform you of next week's newspaper collection). If no one's in, well, lucky us. All we had to do was to drop a flyer into their front gates and NEXT UNIT.

Quite a lot of people were out, considering the fact that it was a Saturday morning, although it could be that they were simply pretending to be out. I could have sworn that I heard footsteps coming to the door before leaving again. =(

I also lost count of how many times I got greeted with a dog bark. Well, I guess they just hate poor little Hwa Chong students walking around knocking on doors and giving out flyers...(Just joking... really...).

After completing our second block, we realised this: ALMOST OUT OF TIME AND FLYERS!!! After getting a stock-up from Lester (our supervisor), we instead of knocking twice, reduced to one set of knocks per unit. At the last block. We were already out of time. In desperation, well, we sort of like just dropping the flyers into every unit we saw. I know it wasn't the right way to do things but... we WERE out of time...

After the CIP, I felt really beat, honestly, and guess what? I still had to rush for tuition.

I felt that it is a really enriching experience, for the simple fact that I never went for a trip like this in my life. I have experience how it is like to give out flyers. Such a new experience... How I wish ther is more of it. I have enjoyed the trip. =)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Eh... Any suggestions for songs? You know... any new songs that I can put on my blog?