Monday, April 13, 2009

Rojak food poisoning

Last Monday,a 57-year -old woman died due to food poisoning.Others who have patronised the Rojak Stall at Stall No. 320 at Geylang Serai Temporary Market are also found to have food poisoning,a total of more than 100.The Ministry of Health has closed down the shop and advised the public to discard any food items brought from the Rojak Geylang Serai stall.How could this have happened?The stall has been operating for over 20 years and no such incident has ever occurred.Is it possibly another virus outbreak?
However,that is not my main point.This post is to discuss about the stallholders and their attitudes when in business.Yesterday after I came back from my 3rd Language lessons,I tuned in to the radio 95.8 FM.They were holding a discussion session about this incident then.A quote from a man ,translated into English,"...the shopkeepers may only think about gaining profits,not caring much about the consumers."Though it would not be probable that this happened in this case,I would like to discuss about this topic as it has sparked my curiosity.

Personally, I feel that the shopkeeper should have been more careful while making the Rojak sauce. It is most probably the ingredients used for the sauce . it could have been expired ingredients that caused such an incident yet it could also be an oversight on his part. He should have checked the ingredients used for the sauce and most probably, if possible, tasted the sauce himself. I feel that the shopkeeper could have also used inferior products for his own gain but caused many people to be sick and worse still, caused death to some. In my opinion, to be a good shopkeeper, it is not always about one's personal gain but also about the welfare of one's customers. Concentrating on personal gain does not get us anywhere, in fact, it might even get us into trouble. Always think about the welfare of everyone else most of the time, not only of oneself.