Thursday, July 2, 2009

E-Learning lesson 3

The casino being built in Singapore is supposed to be a money-maker and job creator. However, many people have spoken against it.True, building a casino has a lot of advantages. It can create a lot of jobs for people, it can make a lot of money for Singapore. It can help Singapore grow economically. However, with its advantages, comes a lot of disadvantages.Without the casino being built, many people already have an addiction for gambling, whether they are addicted to the casinos in Malaysia, or whether they are addicted to gambling dens anywhere else, they are still addicted to gambling. They would go to great lengths to gamble. Won't building a casino in Singapore make these addictions grow from bad to worse? I went to Genting, Malaysia once. What I saw really shocked me. I saw two parents giving their child A LOT of money to play at the game machines at the ground level while they went off to gamble at the casino. Kind of shocking huh? Imagine that your parents left you alone just so they could gamble their money away. Not very nice, in my opinion.According to certain gamblers, they gamble because they think it is very exciting, it is like "holding one's own fate in their very hands", but come to think of it, even though some people might be lucky enough, they might win big, but to others, luck might not always shine on them. Even if you were to win some money back, most of the time, it moves you back to square one or you end up with less money than before.Also, by building a casino in Singapore, many people will gamble there excessively. By doing so, many problems related to the gambler's family relationship would surface. There would be more divorces, more arguing about money, more petty crimes so as to just be able to gamble for a couple more rounds. Some say, that without the casino, Singapore would be rather "backward", but I feel that by building the casino, it would lead to a lot of problems that would show us as being morally "backward".Hence, to lessen the amount of people gambling excessively, Singapore decided to run "affordability tests" to check if a particular person entering the casino can afford gambling. Those people who are rich would pass the test with "flying colours", but what about the rest of the gamblers? Since they are unable to gamble in the casino, they would probably find some illegal way to gamble, for example, in an illegal gambling den. Then, there would be more crimes and hence, more problems.I feel that if we do not even build the casino, then lesser of these problems would surface.


  1. Hi Jarel,

    Do be careful of your paragraphing...

    It is interesting that you mentioned about your encounter in Genting. Do you think that it would be appropriate for the government, or schools even, to educate Singaporeans on the excesses of gambling?

    I look forward to your take on that! :)

    Ms Yeo

  2. Actuall, it was rather okay when I was writing it. Sadly, there was a problem when I posted it. Hence, the terrible paragraphing(even thought there is practically no paragraphing). Responding to your question, yes I think that it is appropriate for to goverment and schools to do so. Well, basically, gambling has so many harmgul disadvantages. hence, it would cause a lot of problems if the child simply grew up without any clue about when to stop.
