"The Dream Merchant" by Isabel Hoving
Twelve year old Joshua Cope is contacted by a corporation called Gippart International one day late at night. Joshua and his friend, Bhasvar (Baz) Patel go to Gippart and meet Max Herbert, a talent scout. Josh is sent into a dreamworld to sell products. But dreams also come with nightmares...
Umaya, the collective dream of everyone at that point in time, is caught between dreams and reality. Josh, Baz and a fellow associate Teresa cannot get out of the dream-world, where time is running backwards due to a Gippart employee attempting to break into real time rather than dream-time. Along his adventure, Josh meets his dead twin sister Jericho, who has been attempting to get in contact with him for 350 years. But with Jericho comes Lucide, a guardian who makes sure that no one crosses the borders of life and death.
They must find the ancient Tembe and fufill Siparti's last promise to his beloved brother, and try to escape back into reality...
1)Lesson learnt
After reading the book, I have learnt about one important thing: Never be greedy.
There were several instances where greed caused Josh Cope to be unable to fufill his goals. For example, Josh tried to steal a dress for Jericho, and ended up fleeing for his life, with a hoard of angered people at his heels. They were forced to escape and take refuge at the next town. This shows that greed can make you a magnet for trouble, and cause you to commit crimes.
There was also the time when they were right in front of the doors of the Tembe, and everyone else were able to go in except for Josh, because of all the things he had stolen from everyone else. He had to drop all of his precious items before he was admitted into the territory of the Tembe, and this shows that Greed weighs us down, with it, we cannot go far and fufill our goals
2)A Different Ending
The piercing sound of the phone could be heard. Josh picked up the phone, curious. "Hey erm... Josh? Baz here. I think we might have a problem. The doors to Umaya has crashed shut!
Again!Well, Gippart needs our help."Baz spluttered into the phone.
Josh thought of the times in Umaya, the endless adventures, the hanging evil, the horrific nightmares and most of all, of Jericho. A harsh smile danced on his lips. "Give me a moment, I will be there as soon as possible......"
He rushed for the door.
I believe that the ending in the book makes the reader feel as if it is the end to the entire adventure in Umaya. I think that there should be something like a cliffhanger or a certain hint that the adventures of Josh Cope and his friends are not over, but far from it. Only then, will there be more excitement in the ending of the story.
3)An exerpt from Josh's point of view
But I had another idea. Once Baz and Teresa hoisted their packs onto their backs, I told them to go on ahead, making it sound as if I had forgotten something, and in a few strides, I arrived at the front of the Buzzard House. Shrugging off my jacket, I grabbed four shortswords from the basket of battlefield debris and ran as fast as I could, shouting for Baz and the others to follow, half expecting shouts behind my very back.
4)Opinion of the ending of the story
I did not like the ending of the story as much as the rest of the story as I felt that Josh's adventures should not end just like that. The ending in the book makes the reader feel as if it is the end to the entire adventure in Umaya. I think that there should be something like a cliffhanger or a certain hint that the adventures of Josh Cope and his friends are not over, but far from it. Only then, will there be more excitement in the ending of the story.